In my house I run a Unifi Dream Machine connected to Gigaclear and it does a great job of managing the different devices and access points I need around the house.

I’ve started playing around trying to understand where the occasional slowness on my network was and it seems to stem from DNS lookups which I currently have configured with and using Google’s public DNS servers.   I struggled with the DNS servers at Gigaclear so this is another attempt and I may just go back to Gigaclear if it doesn’t clear up!  We use Cloudflare at work so I was aware of 

It’s a simple process to update the DNS on your Unifi

  1. Head to the console page of your router (it may be here https://unifi/ or here )
  2. Go to Settings
  3. Go to Networks
  4. Choose the network you want to update (you’ll probably only have 1)
  5. Roll down the page until you get to DHCP Service Management and click on show options
  6. enter the DNS servers you would like to use in the appropriate boxes ( settings are here: )

I will report back in if I see any speed uplift.

Currently “time dig” takes between 600ms and 1900ms…