A quick tutorial on using HTML in custom fields.
Using TXP Variables inside other tags can create some highly flexible templates.

I’m pretty sure I don’t use the term ‘Gobsmacked’ in day to day conversation. In fact I can’t remember a time in my life previous to last Thursday when I had ever used it. Strangely though it was somehow the perfect word to describe how I felt a few moments after my phone rang…
The simple steps you need to take to fix the ‘Nice Try.’ error message on your Textpattern/TXP installation
If you have a map with multiple markers you may be using “map.setZoom((map.getBoundsZoomLevel(bounds)));” to rezoom the map then “map.setCenter(bounds.getCenter());” to center it.
Sometimes this means that although the ‘point’ is in view the marker gets pushed off the top of the screen.
Lotus renew their James Bond heritage via YouTube
Just a quick one… I unlocked my O2 restricted iPhone “here”:http://shop.o2.co.uk/update/unlockmyiphone.html a few weeks ago. Today I received my new sim from Vodafone (on their £20 per month 600 minutes, unlimited texts and 500Mb data plan – Link ). Mistakenly I expected this to be a painless procedure where I just stuck the new sim […]
When I first started using Google Analytics I merrily added site after site to my account, unfortunately a few months later, when a customer wanted more access to their account than just reports (users cannot set goals etc, only and admin can do this) I found myself stuck as I could not give them access to just the one site.
Back in November I had the unfortunate pleasure of becoming 33 years old (or half a Junks as we like to call it on SELOC). In order to balance this someone bought me a day at Lotus on their Driver Training Program. I booked immediately and waited eagerly for April…